

'YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN: Reflections of a new priest, by Fr. Tom Fallati: Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation has stood out as a deeply humbling and fulfilling dimension of priesthood. (December 11, 2024)

THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE: Reflections of a new priest, by Fr. Tom Fallati: Recently I had two new “firsts” in priestly ministry to the mourning. (November 13, 2024)

TO KNOW AND LOVE THE LORD: Reflections of a new priest, by Fr. Tom Fallati: As a priest, I can now share what I have gained through years of study with young people. (October 16, 2024)

HEARING GOD'S CALL: Reflections of a new priest, by Fr. Tom Fallati: Amidst the doubts, I found peace in God’s assurances in the voices of those around me (September 10, 2024)

VOCATION VOICES: Father Daniel Quinn talks about what led him to the priesthood and how it is everyone’s job to grow vocations in the Diocese (September 4, 2024) 

VOCATION VOICES: Father Stephen Yusko talks about his priestly calling, how we can all grow vocations in the Diocese and much more in this Q&A. (July 17, 2024)

CATHOLIC VOICES: Father Brian Kelly, the Diocese’s new Vicar for Vocations, talks about his vocation journey and mission. (February 14, 2024)

A NEW BALLGAME: It was a series of events that led Deacon Stephen Yusko to the priesthood. And it all started with an injury (June 16, 2021)


Fr. Daniel McHale shares his vocation story in 2018, just before entering Seminary.  


Seminarians at Saint Francis de Sales Seminary in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, share their zeal for the Lord. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany sends some seminarians to Saint Francis de Sales Seminary.