Kindness Opportunities

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Ushers/Greeters Collection Counters Lectors (especially for the 5pm Sunday Mass) Altar Servers Youth and Adult Choir Members Consolation Committee (Funeral Planning & Bereavement) Hospitality Ministry (Monthly Coffee Hour)

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program

These sites prepare hundreds of tax returns each season, so we're always looking for more volunteers, and not just to be tax preparers. Volunteers can also help us in front desk roles, signing clients in and chaperoning them to tax preparers, which is just as important as tax preparing.

Albany Diocesan Cemeteries

Albany Diocesan Cemeteries welcomes all efforts to support our cemeteries and the families we serve. Volunteers could help with general cemetery maintenance such as raking, trimming, picking up sticks and branches, and decoration cleanups.

Family Promise - St Gabriel the Archangel

Family Promise Ministry of St. Madeleine Sophie & St. Gabriel’s: Assist with activities for our host site to local homeless families admitted to the Family Promise Program. Volunteers are always needed during host weeks for meal preparation, interacting with the families, staying overnight, and much, much more. Contact: Anna Hartz 518 810-7918 or