Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many.
If one member suffers, all suffer together with it.
1 Corinthians 12:14, 26
Welcome to the webpage of The Office of Safe Environment. This page serves as a resource to victim survivors of abuse, families and children, parish volunteers and staff, clergy, and seminarians.
Through our work and ministry, we are committed to:
Listening to victim survivors who come forward and share their story
Being a resource for victim survivors, their families, and affected parish communities
Accompanying victim survivors on their journey
Screening and training clergy, employees, and volunteers in our parishes and schools
Educating children, families, teachers, clergy, seminarians, and volunteers
Implementing the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People
Equipping parishes and schools with tools to maintain safe environments
Using the categories on the left, you will find:
Ways to report allegations of abuse
Documents with our policies and procedures
How we train and educate parish staff, children, clergy, and seminarians
Spiritual resources for healing
Diocesan and national reports and resources
Information about our Diocesan Review Board
Our list of credibly accused priests
Contact information for the staff in this office
"We have learned from the mistakes of the past and are committed to doing everything possible to make the protection of children and young people, healing for victims and their families, and the removal from ministry of any clergy or Church personnel who have abused their position of sacred trust an urgent priority for our Diocese.
Our children are our precious future. Let us continue to work together to protect them from harm, especially that of sexual abuse."