Marriage & Family Life

53rd Annual Marriage Jubilee (2025)

The 53rd Annual Diocesan Marriage Jubilee Celebration will be held Sunday, September 14th, 2025, at 3:00 PM, at Christ Our Light Catholic Church in Loudonville. Couples celebrating their 25th, 40th, 50th or other special wedding anniversaries are invited to attend this celebration.  Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger will celebrate the Mass and greet couples and their guests at a reception in the Parish Hall immediately following Mass.
Please register through your parish office or by email to

Marriage and Family Life support is provided to both parishes and individuals.

Marriage ministries in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany include Marriage formation and preparation programs (precana, vocation awareness), Natural Family Planning resources, marriage enrichment resources and programing, as well as support for those with struggling marriages and healing for those whose marriage has ended.  Family ministries programing includes parenting, Communication workshops for all ages, Catholic identity and tradition workshops. Resources and support available for healthy family relationships, family as domestic church, family prayer and devotions.