Miscarriage Ministry

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If you have found this page you may be experiencing a miscarriage or love someone who has lost a child in miscarriage.  If you are suffering infant loss, you are not alone.

Miscarriage is often an experience of extreme grief, hurt, and loss.
In times of death and grief we turn to the Lord for consolation and strength.
There is hope and healing for you in this pain.

Miscarriage is a sensitive subject for women and their families.
 Due to cultural and social factors, many mothers have suffered in silence with the loss of their babies, in some cases for years or decades. No matter when your loss occurred, the tools and resources on this page can help you find peace.



Memorial Mass: If you would like, you may request a full memorial Mass (like a funeral Mass) for your child, no matter how early their loss was in pregnancy. 

Mass Intention: you can request a prayer intention for a Mass, this could be for your child, an unspecified “special intention” that only you and God know, or even for your own healing. (If you want a Mass intention to remain private, we often use the terminology “Special Intention.” )

Blessing After Miscarriage: This may be done in person, prayed over the mother or couple by the priest or deacon, or prayed privately.  The text of the prayer from the Book of Blessings is available here: https://www.usccb.org/prayers/blessing-parents-after-miscarriage-or-stillbirth

Pastoral Care: Clergy from the parish are available to talk and pray with you.


These cemeteries all have locations specifically set aside for children. 

Catholic Cemeteries in the Capital Region: Remains may be buried at a gravesite of a family member, even above where a casket is already buried (perhaps of another relative).  A second stone marker may also be placed next to a gravestone already present at a grave.   Click Here for more information on Catholic Cemeteries in the Capital Region

Calvary Cemetery, Glenmont

Most Holy Redeemer, Rt. 7, Niskayuna

St. Mary, Troy


Medical Insurance providers often have lists of mental health providers who work within their network , call your provider for information.

Eastern Door Counseling operates out of Renssellaer, 620 Washington Ave.: (518) 278-6060, www.easterndoor.org

If you are in crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline – 24/7 – 1-800-273-8255

National Maternal Health Hotline – 24/7 – Call or Text 1-833-943-5746

Toll-free NY Statewide Postpartum Resource Center of New York Helpline – M-F 9 AM-5 PM – 1-855-631-0001