Offices & Ministries
- Architecture & Building Commission
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- Catholic Charities
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- Cemeteries - Albany Diocesan
- Chancellor
- Chief Operating Officer
- Communications
- Consultation Center
- Deacons
- Diocesan Appeal
- Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs
- Episcopal Delegate for Religious
- Evangelization & Strategic Planning
- Finance Office
- Human Resources
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- Mental Health
- Ministry with Persons with Disabilities
- Moderator of the Curia
- Office for Discipleship Formation
- Pontifical Mission Societies
- Prayer and Worship
- Real Property
- Respect Life & Family Ministries
- Safe Environment
- Scouting
- St. Bernard's School of Theology and Ministry
- Stewardship and Development
- Tribunal
- Vicar for the Clergy
- Vicar General
- Vocations