Diaconate Information Sessions
Diaconate information sessions are held once a quarter and offer anyone interested in learning about the diaconate ministry and formation requirements the opportunity to meet and engage with deacons and their wives and learn about the vocation of a deacon. The schedule for information sessions is:
November 3, 2024 6:00-8:00pm @ St. Clements, Saratoga Springs
February 2, 2025 6:00-8:00pm @ Christ the King, Guilderland
May 18, 2025 6:00-8:00pm @ TBD in Amsterdam
Becoming an Inquirer
An Inquirer to the vocation of the diaconate in the Diocese of Albany is any man who has indicated his interest and discernment of this vocation by submitting a Diaconate Inquirer intake form to the Office of Initial Diaconate Formation. The intake form is available online or by contacting the Office of Initial Diaconate Formation.
Inquirer Community Events
The Office of Initial Diaconate Formation periodically offers events for men and their wives, if married, to gather together for prayer, community, and a presentation on a topic relevant to those discerning a vocation to the diaconate. The currently scheduled Inquirer events are:
November 16, 2024
10:00am – 12:00pm @ Christ the King, Guilderland
Topic: Who is a Deacon?
February 15, 2024
10:00am – 12:00pm @ St. John the Evangelist, Schenectady
Topic: Spiritual Direction
Discernment Groups
Discernment groups offer the opportunity for Inquirers and their wives to meet together in a small group to reflect and discuss their discernment to the diaconate with each other and diaconate formators. New discernment groups will be forming in January 2025. Please contact the Office of Initial Diaconate Formation if you are interested in being part of a discernment group.
Individual Meetings with the Directors of Diaconate Formation
Throughout the discernment process, the Directors of Diaconate Formation will meet with Inquirers periodically to discuss their discernment to the vocation of the diaconate and assess their readiness enter into formation. Once the intake form has been submitted to the Office of Diaconate Formation, the Directors will contact the Inquirers to schedule the individual meetings as needed.