During this challenging time, many parishes are trying to bring Mass to the faithful via livestream for the first time. We are receiving a lot of calls for assistance with Facebook Live and other options. Below are a few basic tools to assist you as you endeavor to livestream the Mass. Thank you for all you are doing to reach out to your parishioners during this historic Lenten season of isolation and anxiety. We will do what we can to promote your Masses and bring in viewers.
Livestreaming Tips during COVID-19 Outbreak
Be sure church doors are locked during livestreaming. This will ensure that parishes do not end up with people coming to the church during the livestream and gathering in the space. Put a note on the doors so visitors know why the church is locked.
Due to social distancing and gathering restrictions per the governor’s executive order, the number of people assisting at a livestream should be limited to six or fewer. Priest-celebrant, camera operator, reader, cantor, organist, server. This would be the maximum. If your parish can livestream with fewer people assisting, that is even better. Remember to maintain social distancing at all times throughout liturgy and to disinfect when the Mass is over.
Publicize the livestream on Facebook, myParish app, Instagram and other methods to let parishioners know they can watch the Mass live. Remind them if a replay will be available later for those who could not watch live.
Livestream on Facebook
Faith on Facebook Toolkit
A great introduction guide to the tools available on the Facebook platform. Be sure to review the dedicated section on Facebook Live within the guide.
Livestream on YouTube
Introduction to Livestreaming on YouTube
YouTube Live is an easy way to reach your audience in real time. Our tools will help you manage your stream and interact with viewers in real time. There are a few ways you can livestream on YouTube. This is a quick overview.
Learn More
Livestreaming the Mass: Tips from the USCCB
Practical tips from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for livestreaming your mass.