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Are You Called?

Acknowledging the Signs

If you are being called to be a priest, you will see visible signs. The Church calls these visible signs areas of formation. A man called to priesthood must be open to be molded or formed by the Church into a man of virtue, prayer, integrity, and holiness.

There are four areas of formation

  • Human – you are someone whom others trust and turn to, you draw people around you closer to Christ.
  • Spiritual – you have a lively and personal love for Jesus Christ and the Church, the people of God and you desire to courageously serve Christ.
  • Intellectual – you have the capacity and desire to learn and grow in your understanding of Jesus Christ, the Church, our world, and culture.
  • Pastoral – you have a desire to care for God’s holy people, by serving them as the Good Shepherd serves them. You make a difference in people’s lives through your witness to Christ.

If you recognize these qualities or their potential in yourself or others, it might be the seed of a priestly vocation.

Are you being called by the Father to be a priest?

Take this quick discernment quiz to find out! Answer “yes” or “no” to the following questions:

  • Does the idea of becoming a priest keep coming back time and time again even though you thought you had moved on in your life and forgotten about it?
  • Do you feel called to give more, to be more?
  • Does your relationship with God sustain you, enliven you, invigorate you in such a way that you want to share His Truth and Love with others?
  • Do you desire to courageously and selflessly give all to Christ, to cast out into the deep and follow Him, wherever He calls you?
  • Do you long for more than what “the world” teaches us to strive for – money, sensuality, power, self-indulgence and comfort at any cost?
  • Do you have a sneaking suspicion that you are on the brink of a major life decision?
  • Are you afraid to tell friends and family that you are thinking about priesthood?
  • Does the idea of becoming a priest attract you and at the same time frighten you because you feel “unworthy?”
  • Have you ever felt your heart move as a priest celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and thought what it would be like to stand at his place at the altar?
  • Have others encouraged you to consider priesthood?

Adapted in part from “Vocations Anonymous Test” reprinted from Vocations Anonymous: A Handbook for Adults Discerning Priesthood and Religious Life by Sister Kathleen Bryant, RSC, published by NCCV, 1603 S. Michigan Avenue, #400, Chicago, IL 60616, 1-800-671-NCCV, ©