Q: I'M CONCERNED MY SON WILL BE LONELY AS A PRIEST. IS THAT THE CASE? A: That’s the common perception. But professionals tell us loneliness knows no boundaries…there are the lonely married and the lonely single. Avoiding loneliness has more to do with having people you can love and people who love you. Priests have dozens of people who open their hearts to them and, in turn, priests welcome their parishioners into their lives. So, priests, like other people, are lonely only if they choose to be lonely. Q: I WONDER IF MY SON WILL BE HAPPY AND CONTENTED WITHOUT A WIFE AND FAMILY. Q: WE'VE ALWAYS WANTED OUR SON TO BE SUCCESSFUL. BUT PRIESTHOOD ISN'T REALLY SUCCESSFUL TODAY IS IT? Q: MAYBE I'M BEING SELFISH BUT WE WANT GRANDCHILDREN AND OUR NAME TO BE CARRIED ON TO THE NEXT GENERATION. ANY THOUGHTS ON THIS? Another idea: In the Our Father prayer, we say “thy will be done.” They are some of the hardest words in all of scripture because to do God’s will, sometimes means that our will must die. If God is calling your son to priesthood, you may be asked to sacrifice as well (with respect to the dream of grandchildren and the carrying on of the name). In this case, your joy may come from a place you never expected…the joy of experiencing your priest son impacting the lives of hundreds of people. Q: IF MY SON ENTERS THE SEMINARY AND FINDS OUT IT'S NOT FOR HIM, IS HE COMMITTED TO THE PRIESTHOOD? Q: WHAT CAN I DO TO ENCOURAGE MY SON TO BE OPEN TO THE POSSIBILITY OF THE PRIESTHOOD? A: Parental support of a man considering priesthood as an option in his life is critical. Simply telling him that you would welcome his decision to enter a seminary is a huge boost to a man who values his parents’ opinion. Telling your son that you think he’d be a fine priest may open the door for him to consider the possibility of priesthood more seriously.